ಬೈಬಲ್ ಗಜೊವ್ಣಿಂ was organised on Sunday 19th, 2023 November at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, by Commission for bible and Commission for proclamation and evangelisation.

The ceremony began with the enthronement of the Bible at the main altar, which was brought in procession by commission for bible members .

Rev Fr Denis Dsouza ,Parish Priest celebrated the Holy Eucharistic mass, During the homily, Fr Denis explained about the importance of the Bible, the word of God, how to make the word of God alive in life by reading, reflecting and practicing it in the daily life.

Soon after the holy mass Rev. Fr. Denis D’Souza prayed and blessed the vehicles in the premises of the church. Volunteers helped in locating parking spots for vehicles and arranging vehicles in a neat way.

The parish priest, Rev. Fr. Denis Dsouza conducted the prayer service and blessed the vehicles by sprinkling holy water.









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via Nitte, Karkala Taluk,
Udupi District
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