March 29,2024: Good Friday is among the most important days in the Christian calendar. The occasion begins with `Way of the Cross’. Church services include reading of the Passion of Christ, reciting a string of prayers, unveiling and veneration of the Cross and communion service.

Parishioners of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church at Nirmalapadau began the service with Way of the Cross at 4:00 pm. Subsequently, Rev Fr Gilbert Lobo, CSsR , Alangar conducted the whole Good Friday service with concelebrant Fr Denis Dsouza , Parish Priest .

The solemn liturgy on Good Friday included the reading of the ‘Passion of Christ’ from the Gospel of St John, followed by the veneration of the Cross and finally, the distribution of communion.  

Fr Denis D’Souza, Parish Priest brought the Crucifix to the main altar which was unveiled step by step by Rev.Fr Gilbert Lobo, CsSR with great respect.

The faithful of the church paid respect to the Crucified Christ in the Crucifix. Following the Holy Communion the Friday Service concluded and all the faithful went home silently, meditating on the mystery of Good Friday.

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Our lady of Perpetual Succour Church
Nirmalpadav, Parapady P.O-574110 
via Nitte, Karkala Taluk,
Udupi District
Mobile: +91 97419 69665