And finally, the hard work of Lent concludes with the beginning of the Triduum .

The faithful of Nirmalapadav parapady gathered around the eucharistic table of the Lord for the Maundy Thursday celebration at 6.00pm in open church ground.

Rev Fr Vincent lobo, Parish  Priest presided over the ceremony.

In His homily he preached The importance of Holy Eucharist in our life . Eucharistic is the centre point of Christian life and faith. He also preached the importance of journey on priestly hood.

Jesus became a servant by washing the feet of the disciples and this example of jesus needs to be continued by every follower of Jesus . Thus we become  the true christians.

Rev Fr Vincent lobo , Parish Priest washed the feet of 12 disciples.  At the End of the celebration Eucharistic procession was held followed by Holy adoration.

Holy Thursday brings us back to the Last Supper. We are asked to re-commit ourselves to serving the Lord, the Church and our fellow brothers and sisters.

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via Nitte, Karkala Taluk,
Udupi District
Mobile: +91 97419 69665